13 Track 2nd LP, Released by Yo-Yo Records (there's also a US Version available Soon on 1859/Man In Decline Records)
Seriously one of, if not, the best band around right now!
I thought the first LP would take some beating, and well this is damn close!!!
California kidz big wave mentality. Wanna be another rat in the pack? This isn't your little brother's snooze-tunes borecore, this is a true aural offering in the one Church of Rock N' Roll. Take a combination of feral street urchin (Cockney Rejects [just "Best Vol. 1"]) and a bit of Scandinavian treble n' gain and you've got all hook all bite. It's just the sound Jim Marshall built 200 watts for. Spend a decade with your tongue in a fan gargaling gravel and you couldn't have cut your teeth so precise as the NO///se' sound.